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City Park Homes - complex building in Zone B, Veliko Tarnovo

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City Park Homes is an architectural project inspired by the needs of the people, satisfying their need for a quiet and peaceful place to live with a beautiful panoramic view in an urban environment.

City Park Homes is impeccable quality, functional layouts and stylish modern architecture.

City Park Homes се намира на атрактивна локация с инвестиционен потенциал в бързоразвиващ се квартал.

Functionally, the complex "CITY PARK HOMES" is solved with two entrances, each of which has four residential floors, a separate park environment and above-ground parking, providing free parking.

Разположен върху терен от 2054 кв. м., комплексът помещава общо 29 апартамента, 16 в Секция А и 13 в Секция Б, със светла височина на помещенията 2,65 м. За по-голямо удобство гаражите са изградени с покрит подход към тях, като спокойно ще може да се паркира втора кола пред вратата на всеки гараж. 


The building is a boutique and it is designed only 4 apartments per floor, with one or two bedrooms and different possibilities for integration. Created with the idea of modern luxury and uncompromising quality from the first touches to the smallest detail.

Апартаментите се издават в степен на завършеност по БДС – на мазилка и замазка, блиндирани входни врати, висококачествена дограма, външна топлоизолация, монтирани ключове и контакти, звънчева и видео домофонна инсталация, розетки за телефонна система, телевизия и интернет. Предлагаме възможност за свързване с утвърден интернет доставчик. 


Construction design: Reinforced concrete structure, 25 cm brick external walls.

Facade and Cladding: Maximum energy efficiency provided by building external thermal insulation, thickness 100 mm.

Functional and modern external finishing with partial High Pressure Laminate (HPL) cladding.

Roof:Flat roof with external drainage through gutters. Built steam, hydro and thermal insulation system for maximum energy efficiency.

Joinery: Висококачествена дограма със стъкла тип „четири сезона“ за много добра топлинна изолация и висока защита от слънчевите лъчи. За апартаментите от южната страна е предвидено оптимално решение за дограма, за да може да се подсигурят топлите месеци и ограничаване на топлината, която ще влиза през лятото. 

Entrance doors: High-class armored entrance doors.

Balconies and terraces: thermal insulated and waterproofed; reinforced cement screed; floor with frost-resistant Granitogres™ (fine stoneware tiles); glass railings.

Water and sanitation: water supply installation for drinking and household needs will be made of polypropylene pipes (PPR) and sewerage - of PVC pipes PIPELIFE. Drainage of the open terraces with water intakes for terraces.

Electrical installation: Fully built electrical installation including switches, sockets and apartment panels.

Built installations for cable and satellite TV, telephone, internet to each room in the apartments with FTP cable, bell and video intercom installation, access control system to ensure secure space for the residents.

Heating, ventilation, air and conditioning /HVAC/: Built ventilation routes for underground garages, toilets, bathrooms and kitchenettes. Built gas installation.

Separate niches on the facade for the outdoor air conditioner units installation next to each apartment.

Elevator: High-tech silent electric lift, with a stop at each level of the building

Common areas: Natural stone flooring; glass railings; walls and ceilings - interior breathable latex paint.

Landscape architecture: изцяло изградена, съгласно утвърден проект за паркоустройство и благоустройство. 

Apartment size:: от 59,82 кв. м. до 139,61 кв. м.


GEA /gross external area/: 2054,20 sq. m.


Gross site area: 2054,00 sq. m.


Apartments: 29


Garages: 22


Car parking spaces: 16


Storeys: 5
Residential Storeys: 4


Construction type: Reinforced-concrete structure, brick-built.

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City Park Homes

At the request of the buyers, our after-sales service team can offer professional solutions for the finishing works on the apartments, interior design project and delivery of furniture to the customer's order, according to his specific budget.