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Многофамилна жилищна сграда „Тракия“ – гр. Габрово

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Амбициозният ни проект, който стартираме в гр. Габрово на ул. „Тракия“ №5 комбинира привлекателна локация в централната част на града, заедно с модерни решения и иновативна визия без аналог в града. 


Функционално сградата разполага с един вход, 2 офиса, 7 апартамента и 16 паркоместа като разпределението на апартаментите на  втори и трети етаж е идентично, докато четвърти жилищен етаж е проектиран за пентхаус. 

Parking in the building is solved with a semi-underground floor, which has 9 indoor parking spaces and another 7 outdoor parking spaces. 

Сградата е с изчистена визия като апартаментите се издават в степен на завършеност по БДС – на мазилка и замазка, блиндирани входни врати, висококачествена дограма, външна топлоизолация, монтирани ключове и контакти.



We offer the possibility of joining an established Internet and TV provider. 


Construction design: skeleton reinforced concrete with monolithic execution. External enclosing walls of 25 cm thick ceramic bricks.


Facade and Cladding: The facades will be filled with tinted silicate plaster. Internal partition walls will be of 12 cm thick brick. 

Partial HPL cladding for a detailed finish.


Roof construction: The roof at elevation +11.60 m will be flat, designed as a beamless slab with beams on the periphery and a concrete board. Drainage is internal by means of funnels. 


Water and sanitation: The site will be supplied with drinkable water from the existing city water supply and will drain into the existing city system. 


Entrance doors: High-class armored entrance doors.


Separate niches on the facade Split system air conditioners are provided for all living spaces, and the installation of the external units is coordinated with the architectural part. The sanitary facilities are equipped with electric radiators or similar. 


Heating, ventilation, air and conditioning /HVAC/: All living spaces are designed with natural ventilation through openable windows. Separate axial fans with non-return valve are provided for the sanitary rooms, which are switched on by a key when necessary. 


Landscape architecture: A designed asphalt site in front of the entrance to the garages at an elevation of -3.00, the construction of three retaining walls is planned. Drainage of surface water is to landscaping areas and design linear drains. 



Apartment size:from 89 sq. m. to 94 sq. m.


GEA /gross external area/: 1410,05 sq. m


Gross site area: 594 sq. m
застроена площ: 278,88 sq.m


Брой жилищни имоти в комплекса: 7


Car parking spaces: 16


Storeys: 5 (4 residential floors and 1 semi-underground)


Construction type: Reinforced-concrete structure, brick-built.